Hello I am


Hello I am 38 years old and over the past year I have slowly got a gap inbetween my front teeth which I have not had before. My dentist said the cause of this is I clench my teeth when I am sleep and so is forcing the top teeth to separate. I have always had good straight teeth (no gaps). This is really worrying me. Could there be another cause for this to happen? I would really appreciate someones advice please

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Asked on 10/04/2008 12:00 am
Private answer

Clenching and grinding of the teeth can cause teeth to move and separate, but if this is happening relatively quickly, it is worth checking the way the teeth work together (occlusion), and the supporting bone and gum condition in detail. Some medical conditions can also cause problems with the health of the gums.

It is also possible that your 'bite' has changed, perhaps due to recent dental treatment, and you are now closing your teeth differently.

If you teeth are moving due to clenching, you could ask your dentist to provide a special appliance to wear at night to prevent further damage.

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Posted by Dental Professional (Questions: 0, Answers: 1475)
Answered on 10/04/2008 12:00 am