Hi, I’m 14


Hi, I’m 14 years old. I have always had horrible teeth, not dirty but just all in different places and not straight. Today I went to the dentist to have an x-ray done on my mouth. The dentist told me that I still have 2 more babyteeth coming through (but for some reason, their in the place I recently had 2 taken out) underneath those teeth (inside the gum) I have 2 adult teeth that are trying to push through, unfortunatly, they are pointing in the wrong direction. I also have 2 adult teeth doing the same inside the gum on my top jaw. I need braces fitted so the dentist said he is going to refer me to hospital. I’m petrified. I don’t understand what is going to happen, I only went to get an x-ray to see about my braces. What do you think they’ll do to me and will it hurt? I’m so scared.

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Asked on 23/11/2012 12:00 am
Private answer

Don't worry the appointment at the hospital will be for a brace expert to examine your mouth and take X-rays and maybe some models of your teeth so that they can work out how to give you the best smile possible

There will be plenty of time to talk to them about your worries before any treatment is carried out

Make a list of your concerns and talk to your friends who already wear braces

It is important to keep tout teeth and mouth healthy by avoiding sugary foods and drinks between meals and cleaning well before and especially during the time the braces are in your mouth

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Posted by Dental Professional (Questions: 0, Answers: 1475)
Answered on 30/11/2012 12:00 am