
I have a



I have a hole on the front of my tooth its not big would I need to have just a filling done.

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Asked on 06/06/2007 12:00 am
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Almost certainly !!

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Posted by Dental Professional (Questions: 0, Answers: 1475)
Answered on 28/06/2007 12:00 am
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Once checked it would be hoped that your tooth could be restored with a matching tooth coloured composite filling.  The depth of the hole will be checked and possibly an X-ray may be taken to see if there is any nerve involvement with a deeper hole which may necessitate further treatment.

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Posted by Dental Professional (Questions: 0, Answers: 1475)
Answered on 12/06/2007 12:00 am
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Posted by Dental Professional (Questions: 0, Answers: 1475)
Answered on 12/06/2007 12:00 am
Private answer

A filling should be a perfectly simple solution to this problem. With modern materials and an artistic dentist, this filling will be invisible and should last for many years. However, many filling materials are more likely to stain than natural tooth substance and it is important that you discuss the best way to clean your teeth with your dentist and hygienist to prevent this.

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Posted by Dental Professional (Questions: 0, Answers: 1475)
Answered on 12/06/2007 12:00 am