I’m looking for


I’m looking for a dentist in the Uk who is familiar with re opening extraction spaces and is familiar with the work of http://www.facefocused.com/ReOpen.html.

Many thanks,


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Asked on 16/09/2013 12:00 am
Private answer

You will find this hard to find , you will need to describe the treatment you want at any high street consultant and express you needs and remember to talk about wanting your occlusion to be right , so that means ,teeth end up working properly.Read up about occlusion on this site in the occlusion category and look at the T Scan video, this will give you more understanding and so more protection . If you have closing spaces they can be opened in various ways but usually all teeth are affected by one closing space.

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Posted by Dental Professional (Questions: 0, Answers: 1475)
Answered on 04/10/2013 12:00 am
Private answer

I would suggest contacting to website as they may keep lists of UK dentists who have completed courses with them or google Skip Truit who teaches similar treatments in the Uk

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Posted by Dental Professional (Questions: 0, Answers: 1475)
Answered on 04/10/2013 12:00 am