My daughter who


My daughter who is 15 next month broke one of her adult teeth at the front of her lower set over 4 years ago. The dentist offered to put build in up to make the rest but as it was a straight horizontal break it would probably just fall off. As she was not conscious of how it looked she chose not to have it done. A couple of days ago she has a fixed brace fitted, was experiencing pain but we thought that it was normal until today she has noticed that the tooth which has always been shorter has been ‘pulled’ up and the broken edge is now flush with the other teeth. My concern is that she says it feels like it is being pulled out? could it be that the new orthodontist hasn’t noticed that it was broken or it this normal to move a damaged tooth to such a degree. My daughter is very anxious that the tooth will end up dying as she says it feels like it literally being pulled out and she will be left with a permanent hole. Looking at the tooth it looks a different colour which I don’t remember it being like this before the brace was fitted. Your speedy response would be appreciated so that if there is a problem it can be rectified immediately without any further damage caused to this permanently damaged tooth. I have provided my telephone number should you kindly wish to contact me in that fashion. I see I can attach photos however she is currently sleeping but can provide this in the morning or we could talk via skype so that you can view it youself.Thank you.

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Asked on 07/09/2013 12:00 am
Private answer

You must discuss this with your dentist and orthodontist .
It is ideal to bring the broken tooth into alignment with the others.The change of oolour may indicate a nerve problem possibly as a result of the initial trauma Testing the tooth and an X-ray may help in the decision as regards the next step.
Important to arrange an appointment sooner rather than later .
You will see that other colleagues have given similar advice.

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Posted by Dental Professional (Questions: 0, Answers: 1475)
Answered on 16/09/2013 12:00 am
Private answer

You need to discuss this with your orthodontist
I would assume he/she is attempting to align the broken tooth with its neighbours to give the best appearance but this (and any possible consequences) should have been discussed with you and your daughter before starting treatment
All orthodontic treatment is and traumatic to teeth (leading to discomfort which settles once the teeth are in a stable position) and this additional trauma to the previous accident may be the final straw for the nerve in this tooth meaning that it will need a root filling. (There is no reason to lose the tooth) Often this is the result from the previous alone but this needs investigating and if necessary the brace modified to reduce the forces to a level which the tooth is 'happy' to accept

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Posted by Dental Professional (Questions: 0, Answers: 1475)
Answered on 10/09/2013 12:00 am