Hi – I’ve


Hi – I’ve had a crown fitted today over a root canal and paid £400 on the nhs for a white one. From the outside you can slightly see a dark grey/black edge where it fits to my gum but on the inside this is much thicker and I’d say about a fifth of the thickness of the tooth itself. Should I go back and request a better one as I’m concious there can”t be any gum recession etc as I only had it fitted today! It’s my second to back molar on the top – I also didn’t know I was paying for a porcelain and metal tooth!

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Asked on 01/08/2013 12:00 am
Private answer

Metal under the porcelain does cause the gum to move away, gums do not like the metal underneath. Metallic Ions as well as mild Nickel sensitivity can cause this.

if the crown is stopping the bite in anyway it can cause the gum to move aswell .

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Posted by Dental Professional (Questions: 0, Answers: 1475)
Answered on 02/09/2013 12:00 am
Private answer

This is NOT an NHS crown as the maximum charge for a full course of treatment is£214 (including crown root filling scaling and examination and all other treatment necessary to secure oral health)

This PRIVATE crown sounds like one with a metal core and ceramic facing
They can be very durable but do suffer from a metal margin which can be visible but is often acceptable as a less expensive option to all ceramic crowns

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Posted by Dental Professional (Questions: 0, Answers: 1475)
Answered on 06/08/2013 12:00 am