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I would like to know where I would be able to have all my teeth removed and dentures fitted as I cant put up with this constant pain anymore

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Asked on 25/04/2013 12:00 am
Private answer

All dentists can provide the treatment you wish but please be aware that denture wearing is not without its own pain and may limit what foods you can manage to eat

Ideally the first thing you need is a diagnosis of your current pain
It is likely that only one or two teeth are to blame and if treated (or removed) you can lead a pain free life WITH your own teeth
The most important thing is to understand what has caused the current problem and make changes to prevent further tooth decay and/or gum disease

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Posted by Dental Professional (Questions: 0, Answers: 1475)
Answered on 03/05/2013 12:00 am
Private answer

A full clearance should be understood in context of your age , budget permitting you can have them all pulled out and replaced in one day , it is called . all-on- 4 . If this happens or is your choice try to have it done in porcelain glass , it lasts much longer and is easy to keep clean.If you click on the Tscan video you will see how tooth occlusion works , before you have your teeth pulled out make sure your problems are not caused by overlooked issues like bite and bone orientation . For future implant treatment you should have the extractions if needed done by the specialists who will replace your teeth with implants . This will mean that the best of your bone can be saved and all your bite recordings before can be saved .This will help to reduce the risk of needing costly bone grafts . So make sure your teeth need pulling out and cannot be saved , if they are a lost cause then educate yourself on the reality of dentures and then make your decision on what you want long term , this window is critical if you want implants in the future . When your bone is gone it is gone .

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Posted by Dental Professional (Questions: 0, Answers: 1475)
Answered on 03/05/2013 12:00 am
Private answer

I am sorry to hear that you have got to this stage. It may well be that you need all your teeth removed but there are so many things we can do that may surprise you. But,if you do need a full mouth clearance and dentures fitted, ask friends for recommendations. My details can be found on this site if I can be of help to you..best of luck.

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Posted by Dental Professional (Questions: 0, Answers: 1475)
Answered on 02/05/2013 12:00 am